The Glamouring is a 360º film project from an idea I had about a year ago for a video installation in which the viewer is in the centre of a ritual. I think this could be a powerful experience for the audience and is an interesting experimentation in ritual theatre and film.
I would love to shoot this in September 2024 on Bowen Island. It will cost $7,500 to get it shot and I will be approaching organizations for finishing and dissemination funds once it is ‘in the can’ and a rough edit completed.
If you are interested, read on, and if you want to see the project realized please donate using the form below!
The Glamouring: a 360º Film
The Circle is a short film shot in 360º in the centre of a witch’s ritual, placing the viewer at the centre of the circle, traditionally where the altar, fire, or cauldron would be. The Circle will be available for viewers to experience on The Cauldron Youtube Channel, but ultimately this is an installation film that will be projected in 360º.
The film will be a ritual to ‘charge’ the viewer, with clarity, honesty, and love in a drawing down the moon ceremony common in the modern practice of the craft. 13 Witches will form a circle, they will be dressed similar, in an elegant minimalist representation of the common idea of witch; simple dark grey tunics, white slips, or dresses underneath, and simple black witches hats, black shoes.
The film will be finished in low-contrast B&W, with a soft diffused dreamy feel. There may be animated elements added to illustrate the movement of energy, and show symbols.
The Story:
The ritual will take 7-10 minutes from beginning to end. Initially five witches will call in the directions east, south, west, north, and the centre. A different witch will step forward and drawn down the moon in to the centre of the circle. A different witch will step forward with a large glass wine decanter and charge it. She will tap it with her wand, or snap her fingers and the witches in the circle will all have chalices. She will snap her fingers again, the decanter will be empty. She will snap her fingers one last time and the decanter will become her chalice. She steps back into the circle and in unison they deliver a short tribute to the moon goddess. The chalices vanish.
Seven witches take a step in to the circle and begin to chant – this is from Leonora Carrington’s the Hearing Trumpet – (permission pending). If not, a chant will be written. The chanting witches drum, and dance around the circle 3 times before returning to their place. The witches on the outside raise the cone of power, and are joined by the inner witches once they have completed 3 turns around the circle.
The witches ground through their feet, and send the energy into the circle.
The witch who invoked the moon steps into the circle, thanks the directions, elementals and lunar goddess, and opens the circle.
The witches fade as they say ‘Merry meet, merry part, and Merry Meet again, the circle is open but unbroken – Blessed Be.
What is a Glamouring?
In the context of magic and witchcraft, a glamour is an illusionary spell or enchantment designed to alter the perception of reality. Often used to change one’s appearance or disguise objects, a glamour can make the mundane appear extraordinary or conceal flaws and imperfections. It is a tool for transformation and deception, creating a desired image or aura that influences how others see the enchanted person or object.
Within the film The Glamouring ritual casts an enchantment over the audience to appear beautiful.
Reference Images

Production Plan:
July 2024: Development
Fundraising, location scouting, production planning, searching for an experienced 360º Cinematographer to shoot/advise.
August 2024: Preproduction
Cast the 13 witches, make costumes and hats, shoot test with inexpensive camera
September 2024: Production
Rehearsal, fittings, and shoot.
October 2024: Edit and postproduction
ADR (additional dialogue), sound design, colour correction and stitching (360º video together)
Spring 2025
Project Budget
Basic budget for the Witch's 360º film. Production budget, post-production will be a separate budget.-
1,000 - Costumes: hats, and tunics
250 - Test shoot costs
500 Camera rental for 3 days
2,600 honorarium for 13 witches/dancers/actors
1,600 for location sound and camera-operator - 1 day
500 Transportation
200 - greenery, plants as camouflage
350 food lunch and snacks,
500 The Devil's Due - Contingency