4 Week Bowen Island


Apologies! I need to postpone this course until October. I will make this a weekend workshop (two afternoons)  which will make it easier for everyone to attend, and make it easier for me to secure a venue. 

A 4 week introductory course for those who are curious about magic and the practice of witchcraft

The ‘four week ‘Foundations of Witchcraft’ course will be held every Wednesday evening on Bowen Island through the month of August. 

The course offers an introduction for those interested in learning more about witchcraft, whether it is to develop your own practice, or learn more about the fastest growing ideology today. 

Weekly Topics:

August 8th: Introduction, Opening ritual and invocations, Wheel of the Year

Introductions, about the ethos of the 13th House, What is witchcraft? The witches calendar, the 8 Sabbats, The Quarters, and Cross-quarters.

August 15th: Ethics and Philosophy

The philosophy of witchcraft, beliefs, practices, common and personal.

August 22nd: History

A brief history of witchcraft and how it has informed contemporary practice.

August 29th: Initiations, Covens, Solo Practitioners – the practice of magic.

How the craft is structured locally, and globally, how initiation works, the solo practitioner, and self-governance

Talks are every Thursday through August starting August 8th  
We will be casting a circle every week so please arrive for 6:50pm 

LOCATION: The Amphi-theatre on Bowen - 799 Yellow Brick Rd, Bowen Island

Admission is by donation. You can bring cash to the talk, e-transfer me, or donate using the form below.
All proceeds support The Glamouring: A 360º Film Project.